Sandy Paterson Mountaineering

This is a blog of my personal and work climbing along with all the other things I do in the outdoors. Please feel free to have a look at my main website.

Over winter I will try and blog at the end of each week, however I will aim to tweet each day so feel free to follow me @SandyPMIC

Friday, 2 September 2011

The busy and the quiet

I have taken the last 2 weeks off to settle into our new house and help Laura with the start of a new job, running a boarding house for 75 teenage girls is a full on job! I have though managed to get a few days cragging in with Monty, a very busy day at Cummingston with all sorts of groups there and a very quiet day at Redhythe with no one there! I am across west this weekend for a little more play with Mike before it is back to work next week.

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