Sandy Paterson Mountaineering

This is a blog of my personal and work climbing along with all the other things I do in the outdoors. Please feel free to have a look at my main website.

Over winter I will try and blog at the end of each week, however I will aim to tweet each day so feel free to follow me @SandyPMIC

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Summer ML Training on the West

Teaching navigation in poor vis.

Looking for the summit cairn!

Heading home
I am just home from the west coast after another ML Training course for Scotch on the Rocks Guiding. The end of the course had us out on expedition down near Bridge of Orchy were we had some fairly wet weather although not as cold as forecast only snow to 700m not 500m! The team did really well on some challenging navigational terrain and have now been sent away to get lots of practise in before coming back for assessment when they think they are ready.

I have the weekend off before starting a weeks work on Skye with Rob Johnson. It is a weeks scrambling and it looks like the weather might just improve a little for us. Fingers Crossed!!!

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