Sandy Paterson Mountaineering

This is a blog of my personal and work climbing along with all the other things I do in the outdoors. Please feel free to have a look at my main website.

Over winter I will try and blog at the end of each week, however I will aim to tweet each day so feel free to follow me @SandyPMIC

Monday, 26 November 2012

Navigation in the Rain and Snow

Looking across to the White Corries on Friday
I was back across on the west last week for my last stint with West Highland College. Unfortunately I drew the short straw on Wednesday and was left back at the college to stock take (some students did not turn up!) while the other instructors headed out climbing in the sun. On Thursday and Friday I was out with the 1st Years assessing their hill skills. On Thursday I went from the Devils Staircase to Am Bodach in horizontal rain that lasted all day and then on Friday I was in and around the hill just north of the Kings House which were quite snowy. A good few days even if they were a little damp! Now hopefully time to start my winter season.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Another few wet days!

Al Halewood on a ledge!

Steep ground in Buchaille Etive Mor

Rich leading in the wet
Last week I was back across on the west coast working for West Highland College. I spent Wednesday in the Ice Factor with the second years looking at rock climbing skills, focusing on ropework. On Thursday I was on Buchaille Etive Mor looking at ML style steep ground and ropework and then on Friday I was teaching leading at Kingussie. The weather was fairly damp on each day but not as bad as it could have been!

Sunday, 4 November 2012

SPA Assessment

Stegosaruss at Cummingston

Enjoying the setting sun

Abseiling at Huntly's Cave
Rigging top ropes at Cummingston
I have spent the weekend working for Pete Hill on an SPA Assessment. It was cold on both days but dry so not too bad really for November. We visited the climbing wall at Grantown, Cummingston and Huntly's Cave.
A good few days although it was a bit strange rock climbing while so many people were out playing in the snow. Lots of winter routes being done.

Still Rock Climbing

Erica leading her first route at Kingussie

Working on some navigation above the Devils Staircase

Winter or Summer?

Chris focused on his gear placements

Chris happy with his first lead
I was across on the West Coast last week working with the students from West Highland College. I spent a few days doing a mixture of climbing and navigating with various different year groups. I good few days but it definitely felt a bit cold to be rock climbing!

Catch Up

Great weather in the Cairngroms on an ML Assessment
Not such good weather on an ML Assessment!

Dinner inside a tippi on a Leave No Trace Course
I have not blogged of a while as life has been a little busy with the arrival of Dougal our new baby boy, he is certainly keeping us on our toes.

I have though still be out and about working and the top few photos are from a few Summer ML Assessments I have worked on for Pete Hill and then a 'Leave No Trace' course for Glenmore Lodge were I was a client rather than running it. I am now qualified to run Leave No Trace awareness course.